Gadget Review: TomTom VIA 620 GPS Unit
With a big screen of 6 inches, the TomTom IVA 620 aims to provide the most comfortable viewing of any GPS Units available in the market today. So how does it fare?

As one can expect from TomTom, one of the world's leading GPS unit manufacturers, the VIA 620 performed well, from searching a location using only the postal code to finding shopping centres by using its name. A small hiccup though: I find that the on-screen keyboard gets in the way when I tried to scroll down the list of possible locations as suggested by the VIA 620.

The unit wasted very little time to ascertain the location under clear skies though the first lock will take some time. After that, the unit will use the last location tracked and that help things along very quickly. Navigation is also quick and the lane assist feature ensures you are on the right side of the road just before exiting the expressway.
The VIA 620 is touted to have free daily map changes from the TomTom map share community. The premise is simple. Just install the necessary software unto your PC or laptop and the GPS unit will be updated with the latest map information including estimated time of travel due to peak periods gleaned from the other TomTom users.
It all sounds good on paper until one realise that for this to work,TomTom would need the cooperation of all its users to help update the map on its server.
Prior to a trip to Malaysia I made the effort to download the latest maps, but I realised that the East Dispersion Link was still not shown on the map as I find my car flying through the neighbourhood below. TomTom has its work cut out for them if they want good consistent map updates from its users, perhaps implementing a reward system to do just that.
Overall, the TomTom VIA 620 is a capable little machine that will get you from point to point with a big screen, lane assist guidance and clear instructions from the voice assists. The updated map via community involvement would have to rely on TomTom's user base to contribute consistently. Until then, more frequent updates from the company would be a better solution.
The VIA 620 is available in Singapore at $299.00
Credits: wilswong

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