TomTom GO 610
Large, easy to use and accurate. What else do you want?

Arguably the most important feature of any satnav system should be its accuracy in terms of guiding you to your destination as quickly as possible.
Singapore may not be a huge place, but our extensive road network and lack of land means constant changing of minor road details or the creation of new flyovers and lane extensions. Tom Tom allows you to update the map version on your device via a simple app that you can install on your computer. 4 map updates are released each year which should just about cover all the changes that happen to our roads.

The Tom Tom GO 610 guides you to your destination with accuracy and precision, finding the shortest route quickly once you have confirmed the place. It is reliable and did not lead me to the wrong place during my week with it, which is another tick in my book.
Credits: Story and Photos By Alvan Sio

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