Oneshift iPhone App is Updated! - Upgrade Advisory
The wait is now over! The new update for the iPhone app fixed most crashes and bugs. It is now faster and more stable! Check out the new and improved gallery with pinch to zoom function.

Download the latest version 1.0.3 at
Do take note that you have iOS version 5.1 upgraded on your iOS devices before installing this update.
Upgrades and Fixes in version 1.0.3
1) Faster browsing experience in Used and New cars
2) Drag refresh for Used Cars listings
3) You can now SMS, Call and Email Used Car dealers direct!
4) Quicker and Better search experience
5) Fixed location based Used Car search filter
6) New photo gallery with zoom and pinch functions
7) and other cool optimisations!
*********** Upgrade Advisory **************
If you are experiencing App lock-ups in version 1.0.3, please follow the upgrade steps. This problem occurs roughly 1 in 10 iPhones.
1) Ensure you have the latest iOS version 5.1
2) Hold on the Icon for 3 seconds - to delete the Oneshift App.
3) Switch off your iPhone and restart.
4) Ensure that Wi-Fi is Turned OFF and ONLY 3G is switched on. (Optional step)
5) Re-download the App from the AppStore to install.
These steps are necessary because there could be some code and data cached in the phone that is causing the App to malfunction. We are taking steps to release the next update soon.

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