SG: MCE to be further refined
Transport Minister, Lui Tuck Yew, announced via Facebook on Tuesday that further improvements will be made to the new MCE to make travel smoother. One of the planned refinements is to put up more signs to help guide motorists on the fatest way to reach their destinations. Not only that, information on distance will be put up as well; the signs will be put at a fixed distance away from the exit, to reduce the amount of last minute swerving into the lane to get off the expressway. The LTA have made some immediate adjustments since the opening of the MCE; a short stretch of Central Boulevard have been converted from two to four lanes to cope with the added traffic, signages have been improved and traffic light timings have been optimised. One marked improvement straightaway is the smoother traffic flow. As compared to the 1st 2 days, traffic on the MCE has been more smooth flowing, with lower traffic volume and more familiarity among motorists touted as the main reason in the reduction of bottlenecks.
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